Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Higher State of Consciousness

 My work explores the altered states of consciousness through the medium of Fine Art Fashion Photography and has references to the Bible, seen through the eyes of the contemporary man. I tried to visualise some of my latest experiences regarding the "Forbidden Fruit" and its presence in the western world. 

"The tree of knowledge of good and evil though shalt not eat of it"
                                                                                                             Genesis 2:17

...a tree to be desired to make one wise...
                                                      Genesis 3:6

Heavy is the burden of knowledge.

Scio, me nihil scire...

Models: Seena Sinervo, Bryanna @ Leni's Model Management
Stylist: Gemma Leigh Walsh
MUA: Melina Darling

The work is on exhibition at the UCA Pop Up Gallery at the Pentagon Center in Chatham Kent.

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