Thursday, November 1, 2012

Keep in touch

 Hi all, I'm updating the blog only with "formal" portfolio shoots, therefore it is not frequently updated.
 For some more fresh and daily updated stuff, please check and like my
Facebook page.
However, I'll continue to publish to full editorials and projects here.
Thank you

Monday, August 13, 2012



Art Director/stylist: Melissa Peck
Photographer: Vesko Nickolov
Model: Mila Sinervo
Fashion Atelier: Zoe Stenner
Make up: Phoebe Danzel @ MAC
Hair stylist: David Edmunds @ Tiffs Hair Design
Hair stylist assistant: Hannah Wallace @ Tiffs Hair Design

Thank you for watching, I'd be gratefull for any feedback and comments.
Please follow my Facebook page
Thanks :) 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Clothing design: Aiyana Phokeerdoss
Model: Mila Sinervo
Hair & MUA: Lia Emily Rose
Photogaphy: Vesko Nickolov 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Higher State of Consciousness

 My work explores the altered states of consciousness through the medium of Fine Art Fashion Photography and has references to the Bible, seen through the eyes of the contemporary man. I tried to visualise some of my latest experiences regarding the "Forbidden Fruit" and its presence in the western world. 

"The tree of knowledge of good and evil though shalt not eat of it"
                                                                                                             Genesis 2:17

...a tree to be desired to make one wise...
                                                      Genesis 3:6

Heavy is the burden of knowledge.

Scio, me nihil scire...

Models: Seena Sinervo, Bryanna @ Leni's Model Management
Stylist: Gemma Leigh Walsh
MUA: Melina Darling

The work is on exhibition at the UCA Pop Up Gallery at the Pentagon Center in Chatham Kent.

Please comment...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

...and meanwhile IV

Continuing with the "Meanwhile" series with a picture taken back in December. 

model: Charlotte @ Leni's Model Management.
Stylist: Melissa Peck

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Evolution of Consciousness

 My project is featured on the next exhibition at the UCA Pop Up Gallery. The opening party is on the 30th of March at the Gallery in the Pentagon Center in Chatham, Kent. from 4pm-7pm. 

 My work explores the altered states of consciousness through the medium of Fine Art Fashion Photography and has references to the Bible, seen through the eyes of the contemporary man. I tried to visualise some of my latest experiences regarding the "Forbidden Fruit" and its presence in the western world.

 ...only a few can understand me! 
                                                                                                 This is the first picture of the Series. Model: Seena Sinervo.

  Thanks for reading, I hope to see you there. :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

And Meanwhile III

        it's all about the shape... 

Please have a look at my website:
And join my Facebook Page 

Thank you. 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Out of Concept

  While working on a project I made this images, which don't really fit the concept, but I like the way they turned out, so I just decided to play a little bit and publish them. Can't wait to publish the others.

Model: Bryanna @ Leni's Model Management
Stylist: Gemma Leigh Walsh
MUA: Melina Darling

 Please do no hesitate to comment.
 All comments are welcome. 
Please also visit and like my Facebook page.  

P.s. The white background is real. It's just bleached (255) white. ;)

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Beauty is in the simple things...

That was my last shoot for 2011.
Model: Charlotte B @ Leni's model managment
Styling: Melissa Peck 
Shot with Bronica SQ-B
 on Ilford HP5+

And Mr. Victor H4D 40. ;) 
Thanks for watching.
I'd be grateful for any feedback and comments.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Jealousy Inside

A photograph is more than just an image...

 In my dreams I'm jealous all the time.

It hurts to love you, but I still do.
It hurts to set you free, but you'll never follow me.

Thanks for watching. These are the images I used for my exhibition.
I'd be grateful for any feedback.

All of the above are available for sale as high quality archival mounted prints.
For more details, e-mail:

Monday, January 9, 2012

Искам да ти изпея една тъжна песен:
песента за краткия живот на човека,
за хилядите изгреви и залези,
които заслепени, не виждаме,
увлечени в гонитбата на недостижимото.
За хилядите мигове на щастие-
крехки искри в тъмната нощ, 
от които се пазим да не изгорим.
За златния пясък, който завинаги
изтича между пръстите ни
в очакване на безценния камък,
превърнат на въглен в горещите длани.
Прощавам ти, макар че съм зъл...
Заради това, което ни даде, 
макар че много повече взе.
Прощавам ти, защото не можем без пристан
в живота прелитащ край нас.
Прощавам ти, понеже нямам смелостта 
да забравя.
Защото мога да преживея всичко...
 но никога същото отначало...
Затова искам да ти изпея една тъжна песен, 
песен за краткия човешки живот-
слънчев отблясък по леденото сърце
на вечния връх.

Людмил Янков
Базов Лагер Еверест, 
11 май 1984г.

Вр. Безименен, вр. Алеко и Витоша, снимани от вр. Мусала

 Вр. Мусала

Черни Връх
